
Friday 26 February 2016

Tech Class

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This is when I went to cooking class with Mia and the years 7.
We made Smoothies It was great. I did not like the Smoothie because it had with mixed berries , apricot yogurt , powder milk and rotten banana.
Then we mixed all the   ingredients 
into a bowl we put it in to 
the Machine so it can taste nice
when we drink it.
After that we we washed dried
 and packed away so we could drink it.

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  1. Thank you for sharing this Mishaan. I can understand why you didn't like the smoothie. I don't think I would like all those foods mixed together. A good set of photos to go with a well written piece. I have also looked through the rest of your blogs. You have already done lots of god work and the year has just started. Keep it up.
