
Wednesday 10 May 2017

Making Connections

Making ConnectionsL.I. Identify connections text to text, text to world and text to self
Text to text

Text to world
Text to self
Something I have read or watched that is like this is...
Something I know about that is like this is...
My reaction to this story is...

  • Magenta: A movie I have watched was an ANZAC movie about the war in Gallipoli.

  • Shakaia: The book I have read like this is poppy and Wishy Washy.

  • Mishaan: Something I have read was the War and Peace.

  • Shakaia: This reminds me about last year when I went to the Museum with my class.

  • Mishaan: This book reminds me about when we went to Howick historical village and saw all the house that they lived in back in 1982.

  • Magenta: This reminds of the book my old teacher read to us and it was called the Poppy.

  • Magenta: When my teacher read the story to us I felt like it was a funny book but then it became a mystery book.

  • Shakaia: My reaction to this story is inspiring because they are a  caring couple and this book is very funny.

  • Mishaan: My reaction was that it was sad because the interesting bit was he took all the doors off and the sad bit was that they died at the end.

This DLO that Shakaia Magenta and I had to make a connection in the story and kind of compare it to a text or a film, the world and the how we felt about the story.  One of my examples was how I watched the film " The Maze Runner" this related to the story because the country was not a democracy meaning that it wasn't ruled by the people of the land. 

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