
Saturday 21 January 2017

Summer Learning Journey - Bonus Activity

For this bonus activity, I had to write a letter to a family member or a friend about why you want to go to the country you choose. This is my letter I wrote: 

Dear Mum, 
I am going to Chile to learn many new things like their language and to try different foods. When I come back I will show the amazing pictures I took of the worlds longest beach and the worlds oldest mummy. I will also teach you Chile's language and hopefully we can go there sometime together. I will be gone for 2 - 5 weeks and I will miss you the most. Love, from Mishaan.


  1. Dear Mishaan,

    I am sure that your mom will miss you as well! It will be hard to be away from each other for 2-5 weeks but I think that you'll be so busy exploring the new country that the time will fly by. When you return you will have so many cool stories to share and amazing pictures to show her. I am sure that your mom will want to hear all about your experiences!

    I am also sure that she will want to learn some of the phrases that you have learned. Most people in Chile speak Spanish so you are most likely to learn some basic Spanish phrases such as, "Cómo estás?" This means, "How are you?"

    To learn more about the Spanish language, hop to Activity #6 (Week 2).

    Rachel :)

  2. Hi Mishaan,

    It is so nice of you to write such a lovely letter to your Mum. I know that if I was travelling overseas like you are, I would definitely let my parents know, as I would be sure to miss them a lot!

    I think by going to Chile by yourself first, you'll be able to find all the best spots to visit, so when you go back with your Mum you'll know exactly where to go! Hopefully by then you'll have learned some of the local lingo too, so that way your trip will be even better :-)

    Well done on completing your first Bonus Activity Mishaan, keep it up!

